The professionalism of Sarah Ford, Top Mops BICSc Accredited Trainer and Relationship Manager was confirmed at the recent British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) annual awards, with Sarah winning the coveted ‘Outstanding Candidate of the Year’ for the UK at this year’s event held in Birmingham.
Top Mops have been a corporate member since 2009, with all its basic training, and ethos mirroring that of BICSc codes of practice. This includes a dedicated BICSc Approved training facility at its headquarters on the Isle of Wight, where Sarah provides training directly to Top Mops cleaning teams on all aspects of cleaning, health & safety, manual handling, Infection Prevention and Control and COSHH.
BICSc commented: “This award reflects the achievement of an individual and their award of BICSc qualifications, with the main focus being on how the candidate has been able to achieve an award against adversity or has gone the extra mile to complete and receive the qualification within the workplace.”
Top Mops approved training center provides a fully equipped classroom plus training suite of multiple simulated cleaning environments, including different floor types and simulations of multiple areas that teams will face. Allowing Sarah to train new staff and existing team members to develop their skills including use of the latest equipment as it becomes available, in a controlled and supervised environment. This ensures that when any member of the team go on a customer’s site, they are fully conversant in the use of equipment and latest techniques, rather than simply ‘learning on the job’ which is the approach adopted by many others.
This award reflects Sarah’s achievements not only within the workplace but also confirms the commitment Sarah and Top Mops as a team have to supporting all their clients across the south of England by delivering excellence in all aspect of the wide range of cleaning services they provide.